Writing An Awesome Script For A Product Video

how-to or informational video helps introduce your product to potential buyers and is a useful tool for customers who already own the product. However, a product video is only helpful when it is effective, and a huge measure of its effectiveness is the script. Discover some key script writing elements you should incorporate in your video production. 

Start with an Introduction

People don't generally have long attention spans, especially if they've come to your video looking for specific information. Rather than lose a potential viewer, it's important to start with an introduction that outlines what you will discuss in the video and what the viewer can expect when they walk away. For instance, for a video that teaches product owners how to change the belt on their vacuum, the introduction should clearly state that the video will teach this information. 

Be Very Descriptive

Videos are awesome because it's very helpful to see how to do something, rather than listen to someone tell you how. However, not everyone is the same type of learner. Some people benefit from seeing the action, as well as hearing a step-by-step description of what to do. To ensure you can help and reach every viewer, be as descriptive as possible as you write your script. For instance, instead of, "pull the lever", say, "pull the red lever just to the right of the door." 

Keep it Clear and Concise

While you should aim to be descriptive, you want to tread lightly. Don't include so much information that the dialogue becomes the opposite of clear or concise. Think about all the details you need to include and then work to trim done the information into the fewest number of words, as possible. Again, the average attention span isn't very long, so if you go on and on, you're bound to lose viewers. Get straight to the point with the information you deliver. 

Remember to Sell the Product

Make sure you include some sales or promotional lingo in your product video. Remember, the video won't just target current owners, but also people who might be interested in the product. Consider the previous example of the vacuum belt, for instance. It would be helpful to include phrases like "easy to change," or "long-lasting" as a way to set the product apart from the competition and hopefully turn potential customers, into customers. 

Don't underestimate the importance of a quality script for your product video production. Make sure you take the time to prepare with these tips, in addition to finding the right video production company in your area, like Creative Soul Video, to ensure a professional video for your product.

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