Turn an Annual Parade into a Live Video Event

Live events often draw huge crowds. An annual parade ranks among the most popular events held in a city. Huge crowds may turn out to see a parade that honors a holiday or other anniversary. While attending in-person may becomes impossible as people age or move away, watching a live video stream could be an option. Well, it will be if parade organizers get together with live video production services. The effort to call in the pros would be worth it when the results capture all the parade's dynamism.

Parades Provide Spontaneity 

The basic idea of a parade is simple in design. A bunch of people wearing costumes travels down a street with a themed float. The emphasis here is on "people"—they are not robots. Nor are the people watching the parade. Living, breathing, emotional people can react spontaneously to things that occur. Capturing everything on video brings that spontaneity to a broader audience. Live video feeds carried over the internet ensure former city residents can forever appreciate the parades year after year. Those spontaneous magic moments help them remember their time spent in-person at the parades. The skill of the video producers does play a role in how well things come off.

The Intriguing Camera Choice

One drawback to home video captures of parades is the single vista. A parade watcher hits record on a smartphone and captures the same angle and view of floats passing. Other than recording the events for posterity, there's little value to such imagery. Anyone watching for an extended period would become understandably bored. A live stream mimicking this dullness won't work. A talented video producer and videographer could come up with far more dynamic filming. How about placing one camera inside a float and capturing the reverse vista? Or, the float camera could record other floats. A skilled videographer could come up with many ideas for an engaging feed.

The Cool Audio Factor

A live video stream won't be a silent movie. An audio feed accompanies the moving images, and the audio can be just as dynamic as the video. Audio from the audience can create a "you are there" feel to the video. People watching from across the world may lose themselves and think they are back at home once again. A video production team would know how to mic the audience and, possibly, the floats for maximum effect.

Parade organizers can organize a meeting with a live video production service to plan things out for their next event.

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See, Hear, and Feel the Entertainment

Whether you're watching a movie or your favorite television show, the quality of the audio and visual effects can make a huge difference in the experience. The more clearly you can hear the notes in the background music, and the more crisp the scenery looks on the screen, the more immersed you will feel in the movie or TV show. But what audio visual equipment do you need for a great experience? That's a question you need some education to answer. Start building that education right here on this website, where we've amassed quite the collection of informative blog posts.

